Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Our Week 9th - 15th June

On Monday we travelled up the country to stay with my nana for the week. It was actually a pretty pleasant drive without too many tantrums or screams. Also the traffic was fairly light which was a blessing!
Tuesday was my grandads funeral, it was hard obviously. I went alone because I didnt want the children to be upset, especially as they hardly knew him really, Kaison had never even met him. David stayed at nanas to look after them. I was one of 6 pallbearers, all his grandchildren. I managed to keep it together while I was carrying him and lowering him into the ground but then I kind of lost it a little bit. We were all glad we did it in the end though, we showed him we cared about him. He was a great bloke, always willing to help, always giving you fruit and veg from his allotments.
 Afterwards I picked up the kids and David and we went to the wake in the working mens club my grandad used to go to. It was really lovely, the kids got fussed over loads and had a really nice time.
The rest of the week was spent visiting family, shopping, or going to the park numerous times. It was really nice to see my family, especially as we had a bbq and everyone was happy and laughing.
Its difficult being so far away from them sometimes, but I know they are always there for us should we need anything. Ive drummed into all of them that they are welcome to come and visit us and that we have a bed for them now the new sofas are here. 

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