Friday, 20 June 2014


(Its a bit early I know)
If you aren't in the know about Nanowrimo, it is National Novel Writing Month in which lunatics and literary addicts attempt (and fail in my case) to write 50,000 words in November.
I have been a part of Nanowrimo for 5 years now and havent completed it yet. Theres always something else that needs doing, or I get writers block, or Im pregnant, or I have a small human to look after.
This year will no doubt be no different as to whether I actually suceed or not. But this year will be slightly different as some of my friends are doing it as well and we have formed a facebook group so we can egg each other on.
Im not sure how things are going to be in November so I dont want to over-think too much about what to write. But I was thinking about some sort of parenting non-fiction manual. In a sort of blog style. I dunno, we`ll see what I come up with!
Here is my profile if you decide to join up and be my friend!

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